Women’s Circle (#2) on June 8, on Zoom

I am inviting you to the women’s circle #2, on June 8, at 10 AM EST on Zoom.

If you attended the first one in May, you already know that YOU DESERVE this kind of support, from me and other women as aware and worthy as you are.

If you didn’t attend the first circle, here’s what you can expect:

  • compassion-based 1:1 work with me (as time permits)
  • psychological safety (no judgement)
  • circle of women who will hold you.

I hope you join me on June 8. Make sure to text, email or DM- me for the private link. I handpick the participants to ensure absolute psychological safety.  

From my circle of women:

“I just wanted to thank you for hosting this meeting. As always, I’m left feeling understood and seen and learning something new about myself. It’s so nice to have a circle of women to talk to.
I’m looking forward to many more ❤️.”

 “Thank you, Miha. You ignited the process of understanding myself, and helped me accelerate it. You helped me feel safe enough to offload the shame and guilt I was  carrying for so many years.”

Still not sure about joining?

This article from TIME Magazine called Self- Silencing Is Making Women Sick , says:

“Today, women account for almost 80% of autoimmune disease cases. They are at a higher risk of suffering from chronic pain, insomnia, fibromyalgia, long COVID, irritable bowel syndrome, and migraines, and are twice as likely as men to die after a heart attack. Women experience depression, anxiety, and PTSD at twice the rate of men, and face a ninefold higher prevalence of anorexia, the deadliest mental health disorder.

In the late 1980s, Harvard-trained psychologist Dana Jack identified a recurring theme among female patients suffering from depression: a tendency to self-silence, defined as “the propensity to engage in compulsive caretaking, pleasing the other, and inhibition of self-expression in relationships in an attempt to achieve intimacy and meet relational needs.”

(Read full article here: https://time.com/6319549/silencing-women-sick-essay/ )

Show up. Stand up. Speak up.
See you on June 8, on Zoom. Message me for the link.

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