Top 10 Best Christmas Gifts for Your Kids

The Christmas shopping frenzy is all around us… which is why I want to suggest 10 gifts your child will love forever, and you will never regret investing in them:

  1. Special Time every day for 10 days. Think of it as an Advent Calendar , but with a daily Special Time of 10-20 minutes.
  2. Staylistening every day for 10 days. Same concept as above.
  3. Unstructured time + down time every day during Christmas break from school.
  4. Time outside, also unstructured, self-directed ( parents should not dictate the play, or the rules).
  5. Family time without TV or devices. Think of non-competitive, laughter-based games or activities that can be played as a family. Children should have the upper hand in “making the rules”.
  6. Books
  7. Experiences
  8. Inexpensive toys
  9. Extra sleep hours for children and parents.
  10. Repair when the connection gets broken. This is always the parent’s responsibility.

If the gifts above seem hard to achieve or unfamiliar, work with me for 8 weeks starting January 2025.
Join me and my new cohort of 10 parents on their journey towards connection-based parenting. You won’t look back once you start.

Get 2 FREE sessions with me when you enroll in my Conscious Parent Accelerator Program before December 31.



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