Here are my ideas and recommendations to make this summer memorable for the entire family
Posts Taggedrelationship
Happy Father’s Day 2024 (+ 8 weeks coaching program)
Divorced or married, Fathers’ responsibility is also to support the Mother, so the child can rest in the safety of this partnership.
Parenting Problems Are Relationship Problems (I can help you)
There is no quick fix for relationship issues: parenting problems are relationship problems, never kids problems
TIME Is Your Child’s Love Language (Happy International Children’s Day!)
First, we need to remember that a child’s love language is TIME. Second, we need to learn to COLLECT our children.
Women’s Circle (#2) on June 8, on Zoom
I’m left feeling understood and seen and learning something new about myself
Mom, Dad, Please Grow Up Before Me!
The biggest tragedy in the life of a child is the life that the parents have not lived.
Women Need Other Women! (Happy Mother’s Day 2024)
We need to return to the ancient wisdom of our female ancestors from thousands of years ago, who knew how to grow and stay together
Women’s Circle Invitation, FREE, on Zoom, May 11
In celebration of ALL WOMEN for Mother’s Day 2024
Self-Compassion Deficiency Disorder: We All Suffer From It
Being cut off from our own natural self-compassion is one of the greatest impairments we can suffer
Dear Woman, Please Wake Up! – part 1
Most cultures are not set up for women to succeed and be well and, yet, we can do A LOT more today than what our mothers could because we have access to technology