I am advocating for a more welcoming attitude towards everyday life situations that create discomfort for our kids
Posts Taggedmistakes
Why Conscious Parenting Works (Who Takes the Bike? – real story)
If your children are under 7-10 years old, this is your golden opportunity to shape their self-image and their beliefs’ system.
Dads Are Important- Happy Father’s Day 2023 + FREE COURSE
A father’s emotional engagement leads to multiple positive outcomes and serves as a significant protective factor against high risk behaviors
The Cost of Inaction (in parenting)
Are you still your child’s go-to- person for guidance and help, or did the peers and the smartphone replace you?
The Almighty Smartphone and Its Impacts in Parenting
Because responsive relationships are both expected and essential, their absence is a serious threat to a child’s development and well-being
New You Tube Video: 3 T’s in Conscious Parenting
My mission is to elevate consciousness in parents and my commitment to you is to create videos that are practical
Tips for When You Feel Triggered + FREE COURSE
Remember that you are the adult in the relationship; your job is to keep your child safe by setting firm but loving limits.
Happy Mother’s Day!
To our moms, aunts, grandmothers and all women, caregivers in our lives and the Planet at large: we love you! Happy Mother’s Day!
Your 10 Ideas for BEING a Conscious Parent This Summer
Here are 10 suggestions to prioritize Being this summer with your children
100 Days of Gratitude: What I’ve Learned
Gratitude is a fleeting state of mind: when things don’t go our way, we blame others and the world, we take on the role of victims