In celebration of ALL WOMEN for Mother’s Day 2024
Posts Taggedmistakes
Self-Compassion Deficiency Disorder: We All Suffer From It
Being cut off from our own natural self-compassion is one of the greatest impairments we can suffer
Dear Woman, Please Wake Up! – part 1
Most cultures are not set up for women to succeed and be well and, yet, we can do A LOT more today than what our mothers could because we have access to technology
How to Anchor for Safety (conscious parenting)
Safety is a complicated thing: it goes way beyond physical safety, and “but you know I love you” is NOT enough to make a child feel safe
All It Takes: One Conscious Parent
The answer is simple: trauma gets passed on from generation to generation, regardless of the culture.
When Does Healing Happen?
Healing is not a destination, but an ever going process: it comes in phases, it’s similar to a spiral and is at times very painful
When Children Love Too Much (“The Core Dilemma”)
Many children have profound existential fear that they will lose their attachment if they express their authentic needs and feelings
You and Your Mask + PLAY Workshop
Each wound gave birth to a mask (personality) that we developed very early on in childhood
We will actually play, for real! No more talking about play, but ACTUALLY RE-LEARN HOW TO PLAY
Good -Bye 2023! Welcome 2024! (conscious parenting with Mihaela)
Here are some potent prompts to Welcome 2024 in a conscious way