Emotionally available Fathers give their children the gifts of self-confidence, self- esteem and a strong sense of Self
Posts Taggedmindset
Modelling Empathy to Children
Teach your child simple language to communicate feelings: I see that you feel upset/frustrated that you can’t play with the legos right now.
UBUNTU: Shared Humanity – Lessons from Africa
Because personal excellence is expected from everyone, failure is punished and shame-inducing. You are only as good as your last achievement.
Making Mistakes: A Humbling Experience
What we teach our children about repairing or learning from a mistake. How do WE, the adults, turn a mistake into a learning opportunity?
The 3 L’s of Conscious Parenting (revised)
As parents, our resources get “maxed out” every day: we work, we care for others, we cook, we clean, we drive places, we do-do-do
Connection in Parenting: Back to Basics
Connection seems easy to understand but it’s not; there’s a lot of consistent inner work a parent must do in order to be able to connect
Happy Mother’s Day 2022! Free Mentoring Call with Mihaela
I’ve met many mothers who never returned to doing/being the things that gave them joy of life once they became mothers.
Back to Basics: Conscious Parenting 101
The child is a perfect mirror of the parent. This mirror shows us what we need to heal, resolve and integrate in our own psychology.
Plant the Seeds of Conscious Parenting!
Our children are the only “tomorrow” of this planet
Happy Easter! What are you re-birthing?
In this article, all religious meanings are set aside. I want to invite you to honor Easter as a metaphor for change, evolution, re-discovery and re-birthing.