We lie to ourselves A LOT. We do this unwillingly, unconsciously and solely for the purpose of self-protection.
Posts Taggedconnection
Interview with a Mom in My Program (#2)
To be completely honest it was a very desperate situation, I was triggered all the time, hopeless, sad, angry and above all feeling guilty.
Is It the Flower or the Environment? (ADD/ADHD and Parenting)
The parent comes home depleted and must now put full energy into meeting the physical and emotional needs of a child
Interview with a Mom in My Program (#1)
One of the strengths of the program is that the content is well developed and easily available online
I Will Not, I Cannot Give Up on You!
Today I remind all of us that we can’t give up on our kids, they need us exactly when they are at their worst…
Is Your Child Aggressive?
Trying to stop the aggression with aggression will not work, rewards for good behavior will not work either
Be My Founding Member for Valentine’s Day!
Love resides inside oneself as a way of being and living life on a daily basis, when nobody’s looking
Want to Stop Yelling at Your Kids? Use my ABC Formula today + FREE Webinar
It seems that yelling is inescapable for parents. A few seconds later, we hate ourselves; we feel ashamed and guilty; we realize that we chip away our children’s sense of self-worth and safety around us and, despite this realization, we do it again, and again, and again, for days, weeks, months and even years.
Your Child is Fundamentally Good
Through behaviors (good or bad), a child communicates about his current emotional state and immediate needs that require attention
Broken, But Whole
At some point in time, each one of us had to collect the broken pieces of ourselves, understand and integrate them into who we are today