Reflection Time : Leaving 2023 Behind

We have 2 months left till the end of 2023.

  • How are you feeling right now?
  • How was 2023 for you and your family?
  • What was the hardest part for you in 2023?
  • What do you want to create, change or experience differently in 2024?
  • What kind of help and support do you need?

These are great questions to start reflecting on, as the year is coming to an end. Tips to get the most of this reflection work:

  • allocate time alone, either small chunks of time over the course of a few days, or 1-2 hours in one sitting;
  • write things down, on paper, with a pen; like in the old days;
  • focus on one thing at the time; keep writing;
  • focus on you and your needs, then your children and their needs, the couple relationship ( if you have one), and the larger community;
  • answer these questions with 100% HONESTY:

What did I need in 2023 and didn’t get?
What will I need in 2024 to improve my life in the areas of Body, Mind, Self- Discovery, Relationships, Career, etc? What can I do about it?
What did my children need in 2023 and didn’t get?
What will my children need in 2024 and what’s my plan to provide that for them?
What did my couple’s relationship need in 2023 and didn’t get?
What will my couple’s relationship need in 2024 and what’s my plan to provide that?


The Movement is a full day retreat with access to expert healers, coaches, and mindfulness facilitators. I will be the Conscious Parenting Coach at the event. If you live in Miami, please check the link for more info. Email or DM – me for a discounted ticket.

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