Hello, dear conscious parent 💟!
Summer is here. Kids are out of school and on vacation: a time of play, recharge and relaxation. Unfortunately, most children find themselves in a state of “boredom” when they are not on their digital devices or in a structured activity (like a summer camp).
First, I want to explain the meaning behind: “Mom, Dad, I AM BORED!“. Please take these suggestions as starting points in your thinking process – not all children are the same, and not all families are the same. These are common root-causes of “boredom” in children of all ages.
- Your child feels disconnected, alone, confused and afraid to try new things on his/her own ( do not blame them, please!).
- Your child spends an unhealthy amount of time on digital devices and screens.
- Your child hasn’t developed (yet) the confidence and skills to manage unstructured time on their own.
Second, I am inviting you to consider these 3 BIG IDEAS to help your child:
- Check in with yourself every time you hear “Mom/ Dad, I am bored!”. What emotions does it trigger? Do you feel anxious? How do you react in the moment? Are you thinking you are failing as a parent? What else are you thinking? As long as you are reactive, you can’t help your child, no matter how hard you try.
- Stop what you’re doing and reconnect with your child. Give them a hug; listen to what they’re complaining about without judgement or advice. Play with them in a way that’s safe and connecting. {*Read Playful Parenting, book by dr. Larry Cohen}.
- Set firm limits around screen time. Decrease screen time and video gaming. Replace that time with 1:1 time with each child; outdoor activities; free play; family rituals; and totally unstructured time for each child, so they can get in touch with their imagination and creativity.

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