Kids’ Online Safety & Mental Health (Women’s Fund Miami video)

I don’t mean to scare you, but according to a Teen Survey Report from the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI):

  • 64% feel the world is more stressful now than when parents were their age
  • About 1 in 6 report experiencing negative emotions all the time or often
  • Girls more likely to say they are anxious or stressed out often or all the time
  • 1 in 4 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition
  • 28% report having received mental health treatment
  • Boys more likely to say they don’t need mental health treatment right now

(Read  full report click here)

On October 2, 2024, I attended a virtual webinar organized by Women’s Fund Miami, called: The Online Mind: Mental Health and Safety in the Digital Age. The recording is now on YouTube and I hope you will take the time to watch it (1 hour long). It is worth every minute of your time, I promise. The speakers in this video talk about the dangers of sex predators on social media and video games , sextortion, deep fakes (AI cloning a real person’s voice), and how to keep children safe from technology-enhanced abuses.
Click here for the link


With the holidays approaching, you will get busier and busier, and more exhausted than any other time of the  year. I want to remind you about what really matters (short and long term equally):

  • Your own inner equilibrium, calm, and mindfulness! In the middle of the storm, you are the captain of your family;
  • Your child’s cup of connection! It needs to be half or more full (consistently) if you want them to collaborate with you; their young prefrontal cortex can’t think clearly when they “run on empty” (cup of connection is empty); read my blog for connection tools;
  • Your extended support system! No toys, no trips, no gifts will ever replace the value of you having a support system for your family, whatever that may be looking like for you.

In my program, myself and the other parents become your support system. Don’t wait and hope for the best. Take action today.

Read more about my Conscious Parent Accelerator Program: click here
Book a call with me today – click here


I just want you to know that truly, meeting you changed my life and my view of the world, and the people in it. I so needed to have someone like you in my life. I want you to know that I see you sharing your heart with me in every single session we have together. You don’t do it as a job, you give me your heart every single time. And I want you to know how much it changed my life already and how much it means to me.” (woman, 44, USA)

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