How Relationships Shape Your Brain – Huberman Lab Podcast

I want to publicly THANK the beautiful and courageous women who attended the Women’s Circle last Saturday. Some of them join every month, and some joined for the first time. We welcome EVERY woman who is ready to receive support in a safe and compassionate environment, from myself  and her “sisters”.

The theme that emerged last week was the MOTHER WOUND. This is a deep pain for anyone to carry, maybe the deepest.

Quoting one of the women in the circle:

“All our lives we were hurt by men… but the hurt actually started with our mothers”.

Please tap into your higher wisdom, and go beyond ‘ad literam’.  Not all mothers hurt their children, definitely not intentionally. Most mothers are/were very loving mothers. However, each child needs to be loved in unique ways and a lot of mothers do not/did not have the ability to attune consistently over time.

I was deeply moved and grateful to the women who shared their stories in the circle. Thank you, thank you, thank you ❤️.

There is no better episode to encapsulate the source of our attachment pain than “ How Relationships Shape Your Brain “ from the Huberman Lab.

Make sure to watch it this weekend, with pen and paper handy.

Link: click here

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Women’s Circle, December 14, at 10 AM EST

Email me to send you the zoom link.
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