Happy Mother’s Day 2022! Free Mentoring Call with Mihaela

Happy Mother’s Day 2022!

Last year, I wrote about women mother-ing Life in many forms, not just by giving birth and raising children. I still hold that belief, and I want to honor all women in this world, mothers and non-mothers in the traditional sense of the world.

This year, for Mother’s Day, I invite all of you to honor all parts of yourself; all identities; all expressions of the Self.
We, mothers, are so much more than mothers. Let’s take a quick inventory, shall we? A mother may also be- (check all that apply to you and then add your own to the list):

  • an artist
  • a dancer
  • an athlete
  • a runner
  • a writer
  • a business owner
  • a content creator
  • a community leader
  • a pastor
  • an actress
  • a sister
  • a best friend
  • a daughter
  • a wife
  • a girlfriend
  • a yogy
  • a competitor (sports, martial arts)
  • a teacher
  • an employee

I’ve met many mothers who never returned to doing/ being the things that gave them joy of life once they became mothers. In the first 2 years of the baby’s life, it is necessary that mothers focus their full attention on the baby. As mammals, we have the emotional attachment system built-in. The brain’s neurocircuitry and chemistry change during pregnancy and post- birth for this exact reason. This is nature at its best, and it is perfect as it is.

I am asking mothers to reflect on this question of a fully integrated Self  because the implications are profound- for the moms and for the children. On one hand, mothers who don’t express all parts of themselves, eventually collapse emotionally. In most cases, it is not a conscious choice to deny or repress other identities, but an unconscious one. It takes a lot of inner work to bring to light the roots of this decision, and then adjust it. On the other hand, children learn from what’s being modeled to them. They will, too, give up parts of themselves as adults. The unconscious pattern will keep repeating itself for generations to come in the form of self-sacrifice, self-denial, self-rejection, and even self-hate.

If you’re asking yourself: What do I do now? I want to change some things in my life, but how? – the answer is not simple, or short. For that reason, I am inviting you to a free mentoring call with me, next week, Wednesday, May 11, at 12:00PM EST. The Zoom link is below. Feel free to share it with other moms or women friends in your circle. This is my gift to you. Let’s dive deeper together!

Free Mentoring Call with Mihaela- Gift for Mother’s Day 2022
Time: May 11, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 856 0341 5743
Passcode: welcome123

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