How each agreement applies to parenting, because these four agreements encompass the wisdom of conscious parenting fully
Browsing Categoryconscious parenting
Trauma-Informed Parenting: World Mental Health Day
Mental health doesn’t happen by doing nothing, like physical health, it requires action, planning, intention and commitment
Children get a chance to feel bored, and come up with ways to entertain themselves- without smartphones or video games
How Are You? I Am Fine.
I AM FINE- is like a cheap second-hand winter jacket but we pretend it’s vintage and because we pretend, the other person pretends as well
What Is Peer Orientation and Why It Matters to Know
When a child seeks contact and closeness with us, we become empowered as a nurturer, a comforter, a guide, a model, a teacher or a coach
FREE Class for Divorced Parents
Regardless of whether your co-parenting relationship is harmonious or filled with conflict, the only parent you have control over is YOU
I RECOMMEND: Raising Happier Tweens/Teens 6 Week Class
When my son was younger, the tools I’ve learned from Hand in Hand Parenting saved me and my relationship with him, that’s why I am recommending it to you.
How to Love the Toddler Years: 3 Tips
I love this period in a child’s development because it is such a fertile ground to instil supporting self- beliefs in a child’s mind
Back to School: How to Get Ready in 5 Steps (2023)
Here are my ideas to make the transition from summer vacation to a new academic year more fluid and more connecting
Mihaela’s Top 13 Books (foundational readings)
Here are the books I recommend for everyone interested in understanding themselves better, parents or not.