“Couples choose each other with an unerring instinct for finding the very person who will exactly match their own level of unconscious anxieties and mirror their own dysfunctions, and who will trigger for them all their unresolved emotional pain.”
- Give yourself freely BUT hold on to your identity.
- Commit to your personal growth process, regardless of your partner’s stance.
- Seek to understand YOUR OWN history, life story, family of origin dynamics and early childhood environment.
- Seek to understand YOUR PARTNER’S history, life story, family of origin dynamics and early childhood environment.
- Play together! LAUGH. Have a sense of humor.
- Honor each other’s unique personalities. Make space for the differences. Accept instead of defend.
- Listen more than talk. Learn non-violent communication models. Prioritize communication.
- Practice compassion daily, towards yourself and your partner.
- Take ownership of your needs and wants. Demand the same from your partner.
- Build a support system around you and your new family. Find your village.
- Nurture and protect intimacy as its own entity.
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go, there will be trouble
If I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know” (The Clash)
Become a Certified NeuroMindfulness Coach – New Cohort Starts March 14th.
What is the NeuroMindfulness Coach Certification?
A science-based coaching methodology that gives you the tools to help yourself and others be well, perform at your best, and build deeper connections.
80% neuroscience, 20% mindfulness
700+ science-backed slides
700+ practitioners certified
56 countries
What You’ll Gain:
✔ Resilience & Energy – Regulate stress, emotions, and nervous system balance.
✔ Sharper Focus & Better Decisions – Train your brain for deep attention, creativity, and effective learning.
✔ Stronger Relationships – Build trust and collaboration using emotional intelligence and mindfulness.
✔ Coaching Mastery – Guide others toward lasting transformation with a blend of neuroscience and mindfulness.
Whether you’re a coach, leader, or professional, this certification helps you create impact-for yourself and those you support.
Certificate recognized by:
International Coaching Federation (40 CCE)
Envisia Learning (certified to use the tool NeuroTeamView)
NeuroMindfulness® Institute (certified to use the content in your program)
French state – organisme de formation
Link to read more about the certification path – click here.
Next cohort starts March 14th – dates for the live workshops – click here (use ‘wellbeingUSA’ for early bird discount), OR email me directly for more details.