Welcome to the Safe Place

Go from feeling angry, impatient, confused and exhausted to feeling confident, accomplished, equipped and trauma-informed so that you create an unbreakable lifelong bond with your child based on mutual trust and open communication.
My mission: to ensure that each child is being raised by parents who are emotionally self-aware, trauma-informed and equipped for connection at all times.


This program is for parents who want NOT JUST INFORMATION, BUT A PERMANENT TRANSFORMATION in their life.
It is my signature program that I designed after 10 years of “doing the work” on myself and in my family- work that changed my life.

Program Curriculum follows my ABC Formula for Conscious Parenting: self-Awareness, Be-ing Present and Connection.


Inner child wounds & healing work
Self-parenting work
Triggers & self-regulation
Attachment theory & attachment styles
Unconscious beliefs
Relationships as mirrors
Emotional literacy
Map of consciousness
Coming back into your body


Learning to be present
Present moment barometer
“As Is”-ness as a way of life
Fear & expectations
Cultivating daily gratitude


The science of connection
Tools for connection with your child
The neuro-science of emotions
Adverse childhood experiences
Conscious Co-Parenting for divorced parents & blended families
Conscious Creation of your family & life

* Each module comes with customized exercises, practices, weekly homework and practical tools for personal transformation.

>>> In just the first 3 weeks I started experiencing results! (click to read)

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart Mihaela Plugarasu because I have learned to be present, give 1:1 undivided time, compassion and above all, listen, listen, listen. Something very special and that I consider a gift for life is the fact that I can see my triggers and they are vanishing as I understand them – it’s such a blessing not to feel like I did before. This program is so powerful that I can say that for me there will always be a before Mihaela and after Mihaela in my relationship with my daughter, in my relationship with myself and with everyone I love. In just the first 3 weeks I started experiencing results that were beyond my imagination and now I am sure that I have a road ahead, hard work and of course ups and downs but I have the tools and the priceless coaching calls to refresh and address specific situations. This is an investment that will pay off better than any other thing I have invested in so far. I just want to share how grateful I am for this opportunity for me and my family.” (mom, United States)

>>> On a scale from 1-10, I rate this program 20 (click to read)

“On a scale from 1-10, I rate this program 20. Although I had been in therapy, the introspection and tools I got from this course to keep growing as a person are going to be with me for years to come. The connection tools (parent-child) and the self-awareness tools were the most impactful. Also the advice for conflictive co-parenting. I am now practicing routinely 1:1 undivided time with my son; discovering my triggers and wounds and what to do about them; the map of consciousness and gratitude exercises… there’s something new every week. I can listen more to my child and be present, and I can connect with him a lot better, which is the whole purpose I think of this. As a result, he is listening to me more, and responding too!” (mom, Argentina)

>>> Mihaela gave me reassurance, shared her own experiences, failures, and successes

“I would recommend Mihaela’s class to all my friends who are parents. I was lucky to find Mihaela during a time when I was struggling, thinking that I’m failing as a mother. Mihaela gave me reassurance, shared her own experiences, failures, and successes. She is open-minded, smart, and very resourceful. The classes were such a good starting point in my conversations with my husband about how we are as parents and how we can do better as a family.” (mom – Australia)

>>> Thank you, Mihaela, for sharing with us the ABCs of conscious parenting

“Even during the crazy morning routine, it takes 30 seconds to stop and give your child a hug. And those 30 seconds work like compound interest and can be the difference between being on time or being 5,10,15 minutes late. And even better, there are at least half a dozen opportunities to do so throughout every morning. Thank you, Mihaela, for sharing with us the ABCs of conscious parenting.” (dad – Australia)

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