Professional help

in parenting?

Transformation begins with you!

How I can help you

I can help you in this particular areas.

1:1 Coaching


I use tools from Compassionate Inquiry, Parenting by Connection and NeuroMindfulness.

1:1 Coaching

I use tools from Compassionate Inquiry, Parenting by Connection and NeuroMindfulness.

Learn More

Group Coaching


Members in the Conscious Parent Accelerator Program get weekly live group sessions, lifetime access.

Group Coaching Sessions

Members in the Conscious Parent Accelerator Program get weekly live group sessions, lifetime access.

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Self-Leadership & Teams


I use science - based assessment tools to train leaders and organizations on trust and performance.

Self-Leadership & Teams

I use science - based assessment tools to train leaders and organizations on trust and performance.

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Hours of training
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Hello, nice to meet you!

What Is Conscious Parenting?


Connection is everything in parenting. Also, connection is not possible in the absence of safety. Safety creates connection, and the parent is 100% responsible for creating the emotional environment in the home- regardless of how difficult the child’s behaviors are. This is HARD work for any parent- be gentle when you judge yourself, but do take action to change things around. I teach tools for connection in my program; I also wrote many articles on this topic here.


Curiosity is such a gift! It means that we become genuinely curious about what’s happening beneath the behavior. We don’t rush to label or punish the behavior; we listen, listen, listen! For curiosity to become a default reaction, a parent must be willing to learn about brain development; how emotions work in a child; what emotions communicate; what trauma is; effects of mom & dad dynamics on the child; etc.


Your child needs you when he or she is at their worst. Typically, that’s when parents “lose it”. As a result, the relationship becomes very conditional and superficial. Very disconnected. The child feels unseen, unsafe and unheard. Compassion for someone means: “I see your pain and I want to help you. I see you for who you are despite this ugly behavior. How can I help you? What do you need right now?”
With young children, this language is not required; our loving and containing presence is sufficient. Again, this is hard work for a parent who doesn’t have self-compassion or lacks self-awareness.


Being able to stay calm and grounded in the middle of an emotional storm goes hand in hand with being compassionate towards your child. We lose our temper, or feel stressed when we feel helpless. We don’t know what (else) to do and become reactive. Young children can’t self-regulate, hence time-outs don’t work! They need a loving and calm adult who can co-regulate their emotions together. Only then, the nervous system of the child can go back into feeling safe again. We can’t help a child from a place of agitation, powerlessness or reactivity.

Mihaela Plugarasu

Years of
Thank you for the lesson today. This course is so good, I am learning so much. I imagine everyone would want the same thing. I've never come across anything like this.
The call today was a total breakthrough. Again, when I think I don't have many things to discuss, you asked the key question that triggered it all. Thank you!
Mihaela is that person you need to have in your life in terms of personal growth, self-parenting, and creating an authentic relationship with your kids. I truly respect her wisdom and approach.
Thank you, Mihaela, for the program you put together and the constant support you give us in our struggles with our kids. They are an invaluable treasure.
This program is so powerful that I can say that for me there will always be a before Mihaela and after Mihaela in my relationship with my daughter, with myself and with everyone I love. In just 3 weeks I started experiencing results that were beyond my imagination.
How it works?

Transform Your Parenting Today!

It all starts with a single first step.

Discover effective strategies and tools to strengthen your parent-child relationships and create a harmonious family dynamic. Enroll in our program today and embark on a journey to mindful and fulfilling parenting.

Ready to start?

Take the first step towards a happier family life. Click here to begin your parenting journey today!

All queries are replied within 24hrs.

Make a decision
Embrace change and take the first step towards a brighter future for you and your family. Your decision today shapes the possibilities of tomorrow.
Schedule a meeting
Prioritize your family's well-being by setting aside time to discuss and strategize. Every meeting brings you closer to unlocking solutions and fostering understanding.
Finding the best solution
Explore options, listen actively, and collaborate with your loved ones to discover the most effective path forward. Together, you can overcome any obstacle.
Show Commitment
Dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the journey of growth and connection. Your unwavering commitment paves the way for lasting transformation and profound relationships.
Transformation Completed
Celebrate your achievements and revel in the profound changes you've made together. Your journey has led to a stronger, more harmonious family dynamic, filled with love and understanding.

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* I completed year one in the Compassionate Inquiry for Professionals program, a psychotherapy approach created and taught by Dr. Gabor Mate (Canada, 2024); this took 300 hours of coursework, verified client practice and studying. In this program I studied in depth: trauma, addictions, healing, and psychotherapy tools that are rooted in compassion. I am currently in the Mentorship Program with Dr. Gabor Mate & his team (August 2024 cohort).
* I am a certified neuromindfulness master coach (NeuroMindfulness Institute, France, 2023); this took 60 hours of coursework and verified practice.
* I represent The NeuroMindfulness Institute in the USA as the Managing Director. In this capacity, I train corporate teams on practices from neuroscience + mindfulness for trust and performance.
* I am a certified parenting instructor for parenting- by-connection (Hand In Hand Parenting, California, 2019); this took 200 hours of coursework, client work and studying.
* I won the Faculty Teaching Award from the university where I teach full time in Miami, Florida (2022).
* I created a coaching program for parents called The Conscious Parenting Accelerator Program (2021); please read testimonials on my website.
* I am the parenting consultant for a spiritual psychotherapy practice called Inner Life Transformations.
* I published a book for parents with young children called Conscious Parenting of Your Toddler: Strategies to Turn Discipline into Growth and Connection (2020); global ratings are 4.6 out of 5 on Amazon.
* I speak on podcasts and other media about conscious parenting, co-parenting, trauma, healing, and wholesome living.
* I write an article every Saturday; sign up for my newsletter on my website to receive it in your inbox.
* I host a WOMEN’S CIRCLE on Zoom every month (advanced RSVP is required); make sure to DM-me if you want to attend (this Zoom link is private). 
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